To: Level Four Apprentices
From: Mark Hamilton
Re.: Level-Four Follow Up

Political Opportunity:To be successful against political behemoths, we have to deliver the punch no one saw coming.  Over the past twenty-five years, I have developed that phantom punch.

The Level-Four Meeting did not allow me the time to dig down into the complex psychology for you.  Over the next few meetings, that psychology will increasingly surface.

The ’92 Perot campaign came out of nowhere and almost decked both behemoths.  But after Perot staggered the Republicans and Democrats, he could not follow through and put them away.  He went the distance but lost a unanimous decision.

To begin to give you a taste of the psychology behind our political potential, let us first go back to a parallel event over two hundred years ago:  Whereas the Revolutionary War began in April of 1775, the colonies still sought favorable peace terms.  In January of 1776, Thomas Paine published his pamphlet Common Sense.  Soon, all states called for independence.  Six months later, the Declaration of Independence was ratified by the Second Continental Congress. 

The sweeping psychological shift from seeking favorable peace terms to seeking independence rose from that very stimulating little 50-page booklet.  No one really saw that coming.  Thomas Paine and his Common Sense knocked out the behemoth, the Kingdom of Great Britain.

Paine’s little book sold an equivalent of fifty million copies today.  If you noticed, throughout The Twelve Visions, I state several times that once fifty million people see the Twelve Visions, then an unstoppable change begins toward the Neo-Tech World.  The stimulating style of Common Sense differed from the philosophical, educational style of Paine’s Enlightenment contemporaries.  The stimulating style of The Twelve Visions differs from the philosophical, educational style of the other nonfiction Neo-Tech works.

Are you beginning to see something here?

Over a decade and a half ago, I began to understand the differences between stimulation and education.  Until that point, all my writings were educational. 

With that growing understanding, I began a long journey to develop a phantom punch.  Perot’s original ‘92 campaign manager picked up on my stimulation-based approach when she read my political manifesto.  She talked to me and got my permission to use elements of that stimulation from my political manifesto.

For the next fifteen years, I dug deeper and deeper into a stimulation-based delivery of Neo-Tech, found in only one of my several nonfiction books – in The Twelve Visions.  Although most people cannot know it, I have created via that publication the perfect “body” for delivering the phantom punch.

Now, back to the Twelve Visions Party and the National Platform: it will look like nothing ever seen before.  It will consist of an introduction that explains why political platforms all sound so good, but how the people do not see the society caused by those platforms until it is too late.

Then, in that introduction, I will introduce Neothink and explain how Neothink Visions legitimately show you the future, namely the society that will come about from our platform.  Neothink is a legitimate way to see into the future by seeing the missing pieces to a growing puzzle-picture.  The National Platform will essentially consist of Neothink Visions Ten, Eleven, and a small portion of Twelve.  It will look like no other platform ever before, but that is the power in it.  Combined with our stimulation-based campaign, this has the ingredients to knock over the unsuspecting behemoths.

Let me back up for a moment.  Because of the wide-reaching marketing of Neo-Tech (in 193 countries, 14 languages), I have received mega-money offers to bring my books into the trade (i.e., into the bookstores).  I have turned down every such multi-million-dollar offer because Neo-Tech has always been a secret society.  I would not breach that secrecy no matter what the offer was.  I would remain anonymous to the public.  I would not relinquish my secrets and turnkey techniques outside our secret society.  Money was not and has never been my authority.  As you know, I am building a superpuzzle – the superpuzzle you read in the Miss Annabelle Story.

Although I have never let a Neo-Tech publication into the trade, I will eventually let a shorter version of The Twelve Visions go into the bookstores.  The interplay between the political party and the stimulating book itself will add momentum and credibility to the political movement.  I will also put portions of The Twelve Visions on the political party’s national web site being developed now.  Will we get fifty million eyes on the Twelve Visions?  A successful campaign could conceivably cause that many eyes to see the Twelve Visions, if not the book itself, then portions of the book on the web site. 

Now, changing subjects:  In the Fifth Essence Meeting, I will spend some time talking about the different essences of Frank R. Wallace and Mark Hamilton.  Although dealing with the same subject matter, Dr. Wallace was developing the fundamental belief system.  I was developing the fundamental application system.  We both needed each other.  We had the perfect division of labor / division of essence.  A comparison can be made to Christianity.  Jesus was developing the belief system.  Paul was developing the application system.

Dr. Wallace’s essence: he had to integrate the fundamental ideas, no matter what they were about.  He could not be concerned about people’s reactions.  He had to remain concerned about the fundamental reality of the idea itself.

My essence: I had to integrate the fundamental applications, no matter who the end users were.  I had to be concerned about people’s reactions.  I had to remain concerned about the fundamental reality of effective application itself.

The dichotomy between Dr. Wallace’s essence and my essence shows in the writings themselves.  The Miss Annabelle Story, for instance, is a map to the C of U.  Pax Neo-Tech is too.  However, many more people can read and actualize the life advantages found in the Miss Annabelle Story or in the Twelve Visions or The Self-Leader System because they all come from a fundamental Neo-Tech application system.  Dr. Wallace’s Pax Neo-Tech, on the other hand, is more challenging to read and apply directly into your life.  You are more apt to intellectualize it than to apply it.

Because of the different essences, Dr. Wallace dug deeply into all areas of life in developing the Neo-Tech belief system of fully integrated honesty.  His comprehensive belief system, for instance, deals with religion and God.

When running a political campaign, the Neo-Tech idea system for religion and God should not even enter the picture.  For, the proper application of Neo-Tech in politics is Freedom of Religion.  It is not up to a political party to dictate beliefs.

Therefore, the political movement must focus on Mark Hamilton’s Twelve Visions, which deals with only the germane concepts and stimulants for political application.  With today’s Internet search engines, the political party must remain one step removed from Frank R. Wallace and his writings.  As a matter of fact, he understood this and told me on several occasions that the political movement will be my essence and not his.

All will know that Dr. Wallace’s original idea system planted the roots beneath this growing movement.  Perhaps an analogy would be Ayn Rand’s Objectivist philosophy planted the roots beneath the Libertarian Party.  But, being one step removed, many religious conservatives still gravitate toward certain Libertarian ideas even though Ayn Rand was an atheist.

In the National Platform, I will refer to Neo-Tech, but in the context of super rapidly advancing new (Neo) Technology (Tech).  Of course, you and I know that super rapidly advancing new technology is the result of fully integrated honesty in politics.  But, we will let that deeper integration stay in Dr. Wallace’s Neo-Tech writings.

Now, back to the Society of Secrets for a moment:  The writings of Dr. Wallace will appear in approximately the eighth, ninth, and tenth months, after the new members are deeply into their Neo-Tech development.  My books will be the first six books, the first six months, which will prepare them for Dr. Wallace’s works, including fully integrated honesty, mysticism, and religion. 

Since we are on the topic of the Society of Secrets, let me inform you of the first two books the new members will receive from us.  That way you can prepare your first two or three workshops, starting now.  The first book that new members will receive from NT will be Book One from your first Heirloom Package.  That book will come as a stand- alone and is currently called The Neo-Tech System (the name might change).  It is a little over 300 pages.  It covers the mini-day/power-thinking team, the division of essence, the mini-company/neothinking team, and more.  There are a lot of turnkey techniques in that first book. New members will benefit from a couple of wonderful workshops.

The second book the new members will receive from us at the beginning of their second month is Book One from your Second Heirloom Package.  That book will come as a stand-alone and is called The Twelve Visions.  It is over 400 pages.  It also contains the Visions Climax, which houses the Self-Leader System.  There are a lot of concepts and techniques in that second book. New members will benefit from a couple of wonderful workshops.

Now, jumping back to the topic of this meeting: The Twelve Visions Party. I see that apprentices in most of the states have acquired the requirements I had asked you to get.  Still, I want the A-Teams in each state to call their Secretary of State and request a Minor Political Party Guide.  That contains everything you need, from requirements on how to start the Twelve Visions Party in your state to requirements on getting candidates on the ballot.

Through some deep power-thinking, I can see that the A-Teams will more likely form and focus on the Network Marketing Opportunity and the Society of Secrets.  Therefore, I have decided that all A-Teams around the country must also incorporate the Political Movement, too.  Whereas this might initially seem like baggage to some, it really ties into the common-denominator format.  Remember what that is?  Remember back to the Level Three Essence Meeting.  YOUR common-denominator format is: your congregations, your meetings.  Apprentices congregating – A-Teams.  That common-denominator format will make this public movement powerful, just as the common-denominator format of the assembly-line made the early automobile movement powerful.

Now, this will not be difficult.  Let me explain:  The A-Teams will be designating certain people to do certain things…those things they are best at (keep in mind Friday-Night Essences).  Some of those sitting in the A-Team will be best working the political movement (perhaps their FNE).  But being a group, there are more of you to develop ideas and support for the political movement. 

Of course, the problem here is: those working on the political movement do not make money whereas those working on the Network Marketing Movement make good money.  Well, I will solve that problem.  Remember the highly qualified names I have to feed your down line?  Those apprentices pursuing the political movement will get very healthy down-line feeds.  Those down-line feeds will be worth a lot of money. 

So, I want the Political Movement to integrate in now with the Network Marketing / Clubhouse Movement.  The greater pool of minds and bodies will launch the Twelve Visions Party.  In the organizing stage of the A-Teams, the apprentices will decide who does what.  I do not want a single A-Team without a political movement.  It goes with the territory now.  Going public is an essence (physical/mind) movement.  That essence movement includes structuring the A-Teams, preparing the Introduction Meetings, preparing the Workshop Meetings, starting the Clubhouse Meetings, starting the Political Movement.  You, my apprentices, have a lot to do.  You are part of mankind’s final psychological shift into the Neo-Tech World.  You, my apprentices, stand to make a lot of money pursuing your FNE of spreading Neo-Tech.

It is a big plan.  But it will move forward.  I am looking for your big questions on the political movement.  Get them to me soon, my apprentices, for I have to start preparing for your Fifth Essence Meeting.

We touched on many points in this Supplement to the Level Four Meeting.  In the Level Five Meeting, I will dig deeper into some of these points in this Supplement.

One big step forward today was combining the two public movements into one.  The political movement will not get left behind.  There will now be financial incentive in the lucrative down-line feed. And there will now be a full support system in the A-Teams.

Thank you for your growth, which I watch with pride.
