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Mar 8th 2019 !⃝

I came here to get clarification on a lyric and I am blown away. I like so many of the "whores" that a few of these comments refer us as being, was hurt badly by Corey. I have always been a huge fan of his. And I mean huge! Corey followed me on IG after I left a comment on his post about his morning coffee, haha.

From there we started casually messaging. We didn't message about anything sexual, because I knew that he had other women throwing themselves at him and because I idolized him so much, I wanted to keep the respect between us. Plus we were both married. I soon found out that he was touring and stopping in my state. So he was sweet enough to hook myself, my husband and a friend up with VIP and Corey and I arranged a few minutes to all meet. It was beyond wonderful and I couldn't talk much. My husband did the talking and even shared with Corey that I've had a "12 year lady boner" for him. Lol

The show was great and he even made a few remarks that were directed my way while on stage. He later admitted that he put in extra effort just for me.

After the show he asked if I had a good time and I apologized for the embarrassing remark that my husband made. Corey said he was flattered by it and that he would have been all over me if I would have been alone. He gave me his phone number and we texted for 3 more hours that night and texted all day the next and even Skyped before his next concert. It was unreal. The daily texting went on from june 2017 to October. He told me about his separation and messy battles that came along with it. He opened up about being hurt that his daughter that he and Stephanie share wouldn't approach him when he came home from touring overseas. He struggled with the guilt of being away from his kid's. After someone I loved killed himself, that past spring I fell into a very bad depression and Corey would see something I would post (qoutes about being sad and what not) and he would check on me to see if I was ok. He was a huge source of my comfort.

Suddenly Corey ghosted me for a few week's and it broke my heart. He stopped texting me back so I sent him a DM through IG. I was so worried about him. Due to his depression. He wrote back and he blamed his distance on his "dark times". I gave a lot of loving reassurance and reminded him that i had his back. See, Corey was no longer viewed as my idol. I viewed him as the real person I thought I knew. Corey reassured me that his absences from me was depression. He promised me that nothing will change our friendship and apologized for his distance. He also said that his phone number got leaked and he was very busy moving into his new place, so we should message via IG until he got his new number. We picked up like the buddies that he had me convinced that we were.

Now... I had an app that tells me when I get unfollowed. My heart broke when I saw that he unfollowed me just day's later. I messaged him, wanting to see what that was about, and he said that he was seeing a woman and was doing his "due diligence" by deleting me because she found out that him and I were close.

I was fucking mad. I was mad because he lied and should have just been forth coming with me. Fuck! The least he could have done was explain to me that we could no longer continue to talk and I would have at least felt like he respected me as a human. He promised me that nothing will change us being friend's. It was brought to my attention by another woman that lives in the UK, who he also had lead to believe he had a friendship with that he unfollowed and blocked a large amount of women, including herself. She was in communication with a couple of them and it was all the same story. He made them believe that they had "a thing". I confronted Corey and told him that it really hurt to be thrown away in the same manner as all the "groupies". He tried to tell me that wasn't the case at all, that I was different because he never opened up to any of them like he opened up to me. Bullshit...

About a little over a month later I wished him happy birthday and asked him what he had planned to celebrate. He was touring overseas then. He thanked me and said that him and his woman had plans to celebrate with dinner. Then immediately after a he responded, he BLOCKED ME.

It hurt me. I felt incredibly stupid. Prior to being blocked, I saw all the crazy shit some multiple women were commenting on his IG and it made my skin crawl. It baffels me that Alicia is constantly preaching about the empowerment of women and has even taken on this stupid leadership role of the "Girl Gang" facade, when her man clearly sees women as disposable, sexual objects. She's smart, because it was a strategy to win over Corey's female fan base that he didn't have the chance to dip in with his bullshit. It shows that she is just as fake as him. Another reason I no longer respect Corey as a man is because he is constantly preaching about mental health awareness and support, when he lied and used it as an excuse as a reason to vanish, in the beggining of his absence. It makes me sick. I see all these stupid, blind fans commenting on Twitter, saying that the haters are all delusional, jealous fans. When they are just too dense to pay attention to the strong correlation here. Tons of women saying the same shit about their " Rock God" and sharing their experiences with him. No other rockstar has women commenting such personal shit on their media outlets like Corey has. Come on people. I wish I wouldn't have ever became personally close to him. I wish I could go back to the adoring, oblivious fan that I was before, because I now struggle with the instense disappointment of knowing my idol as for what he truly is.

Originally, I had absolutely zero intentions of leaving this all here, but I feel that I have them same right to share my experience too. And to the infamous Whore Slayer... look. I don't know what your relationship was with Corey or if there even ever was one. But all you ever to do is slander him. You never share details that make you believable. By doing this, you are making the rest of us look like we are all just a bunch of crazies.
