Bruce Lee's history with Seattle began in 1959, according to Northwest Asian Weekly, when he moved to the Emerald City to finish high school. He followed this by going to Seattle Central Community College, then the University of Washington, where he began financially supporting his studies by teaching martial arts to friends. Eventually, he was able to open up a martial arts studio in Seattle's Chinatown, followed by a larger school in the U-District. While he had many students, one of them was Linda Emery, and their relationship soon grew more intimate, and they married in 1964. Eventually, Lee and Emery moved to Oakland, California, and it was later in the decade where Hollywood took notice of his talents. 

After Lee died in 1973, though, his widow made it clear that Seattle was the place where he should be buried. As his daughter Shannon Lee later explained to The Seattle Times, Seattle was "where they fell in love and started their journey together." Those years were also, it's been said, the time when Lee was the happiest. 
