Image to Crop

A good is bought wholesale for $69.99

The good is sold for $42.50

What is the markdown rate?

Calculate Markdown Amount:

Markdown Amount = Final Price - Original Price

Markdown Amount = $42.50 - $69.99

Markdown Amount = $-27.49

Calculate Markdown Rate:
Let us define our rate as (x)

Markdown Amount = Original Price(x)

Divide each side by Original Price to isolate x:
x  =  Markdown Amount
  Original Price

Plug in our numbers and solve:
x  =  $-27.49

x = -0.39277039577082

Convert to Percentage:

Markdown Percentage = 100 x -0.39277039577082 = -39.28%

Final Answer

Markdown Percentage = 100 x -0.39277039577082 = -39.28%

What is the Answer?

Markdown Percentage = 100 x -0.39277039577082 = -39.28%

How does the Markup Markdown Calculator work?

Free Markup Markdown Calculator - Given the 3 items of a markup word problem, cost, markup percentage, and sale price, this solves for any one of the three given two of the items. This works as a markup calculator, markdown calculator.
This calculator has 3 inputs.

What 3 formulas are used for the Markup Markdown Calculator?

Markup amount = Original Price x Markup %
Markup Amount = Final Price - Original Price
Original Price = Markup Amount/(1 + Markup %)

For more math formulas, check out our Formula Dossier

What 6 concepts are covered in the Markup Markdown Calculator?

costan amount that has to be paid or spent to buy or obtain somethingmarginthe current level of an activitymarkdownhow much less a companys selling price is than the amount the item costs the company.markuphow much more a companys selling price is than the amount the item costs the company.markup markdownword problemMath problems involving a lengthy description and not just math symbols

Example calculations for the Markup Markdown Calculator

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