I am tired of this dudes act. All he does is talk like a complete loser in his interviews. So he goes on Twitter {which is for followers in life} and brags about his dumb book being #9 on the NY Times best sellers list. Every Pro wrestler who writes a book gets on the NY times best seller list. People always buy wrestlers books its not because its him. Hes such a loser talking about touring with his pointless horrible band "fozzy" what a dumb name for a band. Most people cant name 2 fozzy songs. People keep asking if hes gonna come back and its like who cares at this point , he isnt worth the money or time anymore in WWE. There are too many guys who need his spot and hes a loser who gladly likes to JOB to guys in the ring at this point. He is such a sissy living off that backstage incident with Goldberg in wcw. He puts out the illusion that he is some tough dude and can fight because oh his dad played hockey and he can really scrap with the best of them. I hate Goldberg but he would have killed Jericho in a legit fight with nobody there to break it up. Jericho keeps worshipping Shawn Michaels in all his interviews and its like stop sucking another mans career off like that , be a man and praise your own career and not some other mans. He cant act , he cant sing , he cant even look halfway decent anymore. Hey Jericho , grow your hair long and lose some body fat and act like your old gimmick because your nothing now.

As with Rayne, I've finished most of my work, so I'll try to contribute to one of the worst posts ever.

Talk like a complete loser? Can you please explain that? What characterises a complete loser? Unintelligence because if you've ever listened to Jericho speak, in and out of the ring, he is one of the most intelligent wrestlers going around. Out of the ring, he is just giving the fans what they want, and he's one of the best at playing his fanbase.

The name Fozzy came from the name Fozzy Osbourne which is from the name of legendary Black Sabbath/Ozzy Osbourne vocalist ... Ozzy Osbourne. Originally his band was a cover Metal band but I think their last two albums have been original songs. As for his band, well, apart from one song, I'm not really interested, but he's obviously got a fan base and the fact that they have released several songs and done World Tours, still signifys that there are people listening and buying tickets. Plus Jericho loves Metal and he gets a kick out of it, which is all that matters to him.

You're right about one thing, Jericho does not need to come back. Undisputed Champion, 6-time World Champion, Highlighted WrestleMania, Record 9-time Intercontinental Champion, 2008 Superstar of the year, Multi-time Tag Champion, amongst other titles. He's wrestled the best, The Undertaker, Flair, HBK, Austin, The Rock, Angle, Benoit, Guerrero, Mysterio, Steamboat, etc. He's been around the world in Japan, Mexico, Canada, etc. People are wondering why Jericho didn't get the send off he deserves. Well, this is Jericho's intelligence right here. Heels, which he was at that point of his career, don't deserve to be glorified in their defeat. They crawl off unnoticed as the face/winner gets the praise. That's wrestling intelligence right there. Jericho doesn't need to return. He probably will because he loves this industry and he is good at what he does.

But here is where I think you get it wrong. There are plenty of wrestlers who need to move up the card, and the WWE is in the process of that. World Champions in Sheamus, Swagger, The Miz, Ziggler. Alberto Del Rio wrestling in the Title match at Mania. Mistico/Sin Cara to get a huge push, etc. But this is why Vince loves and respects Jericho. Because Jericho will always be willing to lose to these guys. And what's more, Jericho is, in my opinion, the only wrestler in the lockerroom, who can lose to Evan Bourne or Yoshi Tastu, and both make the winner look good and still not lose his credibility. That is an unseen talent, extremely rare and Jericho has it. You can't replace that. Jericho is perfect for getting over the future of the WWE. So is he worth the money, yes, he damn well is.

Goldberg's a big dude, he probably could beat Jericho in a fight. So could The Undertaker, Kane, etc. Who cares? This is a trival comment and you are just looking for a way to bash Jericho. Sure, Jericho is a little unfit compared to his first WWE run, but he is still faster, stronger and smarter than a good portion. Would you like to fight Jericho? He's probably picked up a thing here or there in his World Wide travels and his two decades in the business.

And Triple H worships Flair's career, and you don't tell him to stop 'sucking off his career'? Maybe, Jericho is too humble to worship his career 24/7. But I have heard Jericho compliment his career here or there. So get it right before you make another trivial useless comment.

Here comes my favourite comments, the useless, pointless, personal attacks. He can't act? Please, he's much better than most of the wrestlers. He uses slow movements and facial expressions to add to his promos and in-ring work and the fans boo in response. Remember his promos before his first heel run in the WWE? Apart from being smart and witty, they also contained acting. You believe the words he says each and every week and don't feel isolated, hence, good acting. As someone who has done acting classes I can tell you, Jericho can act.

He can't sing? Who are you to judge? Can you sing? If you can, congratulations, you are just one of a billion people who can. Jericho doesn't aim to be a Pavarotti or a Freddie Mercury. He sings, and yes, that is singing and makes the records he and his band want to. In all honesty, Dave Mustaine can't sing for shit, but it hasn't stopped him. The lead singer for Primus can't sing/speak at all, but it hasn't stopped him. Even James Hetfield admits he can't sing (which I personally think is incorrect, but that's neither here or there) but Metallica continue to sell out World Tours, have made great albums and continually gain new fans. Do some research. Go on youtube and listen to some of the morons sing. That's not being able to sing. Sure, he doesn't sound like Usher, Jason Derulo, etc., but its amazing how AutoTune can make you sound good.

Now you are attacking his appearance. How low can you get. What do you look like? Post a picture, let everyone have a look and compare because I'm sure they'll probably give you a nice verbal serving. Jericho has his wife, he has his children, he has a look he is happy with. Who else does he need to impress? Not you, that's for sure. He is a 40 year old man, a lot of people cut their hair by that stage. I liked Jericho's appearance with the long hair better, but I'm not going to cry, whinge and scream on a forum saying how he sucked.

Essentially Jericho's gimmick has always been the same, Saviour. Its just if he's here to Save Us or him. Watch Jericho's WWE debut, he was here to save us by fixing us (so he started off a heel). He then became too popular so he moved into Y2J face territory where he stayed until his World Title wins, where he became the Arrogant heel. He then left the WWE some years later, where eventually he would return, to his 2.0 Saviour gimmick. Some years later, during his angle/feud with HBK, he would turn heel again, where he would use the Saviour gimmick, and twist it around, so that he would save himself from the fans. That to me seems like his gimmick, just twisted and turned, ie. Punk with his Straight Edge gimmick. Again, do some research.
