Nintendo's Animal Crossing is a life-simulation series. This means that the activities happening within the game emulate real life. Usually, this happens in terms of weather changes, or activities that villagers engage in within the game.

This has also given rise to several doubts within the community. For instance, one of the most pertinent questions that the Animal Crossing community has is: can players die in Animal Crossing New Horizons?

Also Read: Animal Crossing player surprises partner by adding a real life photo to virtual home

Is death a possibility in Animal Crossing: New Horizons?

For a normally happy and peaceful game, this might seem like a really upsetting and dark thought. However, logically, it should not be entirely out of the question.

Grave in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Image via Pinterest)

Thankfully, Nintendo has not yet added this ominous touch to the game. So, no, permanent death is not possible in Animal Crossing: New Horizons. The closest that players can get to death is passing out for a couple of hours.

While there is nothing very fatal in Animal Crossing: New Horizons yet, there are several bugs and insects in the game. If a player gets bitten by some of these bugs and insects, it is possible for them to pass out for a couple of hours before they wake up in their island home.

Graveyard in Animal Crossing: New Horizons (Image via Reddit)

On that note, however, several players have stated that they have spotted a grave on their Animal Crossing island. So, what's the deal with that?

The grave in Animal Crossing is purely for decorative purposes. It does not indicate any kind of death whatsoever. SO, if anybody would like to create a somewhat ominous setting for their island, they can use this grave to add to the aesthetic. But that's where the significance of this item ends!

Cemetery themed island in Animal Crossing (Image via NintendoSoup)

Although death is not possible in Animal Crossing, several players feared for the fate of the title in itself after Nintendo's disappointing show at E3 2021. However, announcements made shortly after E3 have restored hope within the community.

Also Read: Doug Bowser of Nintendo surprises Animal Crossing: New Horizons community with future plans after E3 2021

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