Ooooh....there are a few. Let's start....

1. Matt Striker...let me just say...DAY-UM...that guy can teach me anyday. I love me argyle again. LOL. Nah..but seriously. He was a very under-rated guy. I do find him very entertaining in his older matches and to this very day on his commentary.

2. Christian...I'm a peep kinda girl. I've loved his persona since the get go. Always a good mark for him. Love the snarky side of him.

3. Edge...I LOVE the bad boys. His ego and unpredictability.

4. Chris me some egomaniacs...whether he's heel or face.

5. HBK...the theme song says it alll..he's just a sexy boy.

6. Randy Orton...granted he was a douche when I met him in person by accident at a mall..but he still is hot.

7. Test...(RIP) I thought he was a hot one...uhh...I was a test-icle at heart.

8. CM Punk...I still think he's a hot one..bald...greasy hair..masked unmasked...

9. Gregory Helms/ green and this guy was entertaining with the Rock.

10. Matt and Jeff Hardy...I can't pick which was I put them as a tag team. lol

11. The Rock....need I say more.

12. Goldberg...the rage, and i LOVE his speedchannel show Bullrun.

Overall I think I'm just an overcharged girl... :lmao: probably cause I've just always known boring sissy maybe thats why my list is so long.
