The Wallflowers had hardly reached full bloom.

The band released a second album in 2000 that was leaked to Napster before its official launch, according to an interview the band did with radio station KMTT, and continued to release albums until 2012. While the band's composition changed over the years, Dylan has remained its frontman since first germination, while also pursuing projects of his own. In 2008, Dylan released a solo album, which Newsweek said "has a timeless quality."

Despite putting down his own roots, Dylan still tours with the band, which celebrated 20 years since the release of Bringing Down the Horse in 2016 with a two-disc vinyl reissue of the album. As for touring, Rolling Stone reports the band was supposed to hit the road with Matchbox 20 starting in July. Though they won't be performing any time soon for obvious reasons, it's safe to say they're still active.
