WWE SuperShow live event (Mobile, Alabama)

Report by Robby Hinson and ProWrestling.net

Alex Riley came out to a decent pop to start and was promptly jumped by Ziggler and Swagger. After a few minutes, Air Boom made the save which lead to a tag match.

1. Air Boom defeated Jack Swagger and Dolph Ziggler via pinfall to retain the WWE Tag Team Championship. Pensacola native (about an hour from Mobile) Scott Armstrong is the ref. Heels took control most of the match with a few hope spots here and there. There was a spot where Swagger and Ziggler hit a double Russian Leg Sweep, and both got up and did the Jeff Jarrett strut. Pretty funny, though I don’t think many in the crowd got it.

Towards the end, Ziggler made a blind tag, hit the Zig Zag on Bourne but Kingston made the save. Kingston ended up hitting Trouble in Paradise which lead to Air Bourne for the pin on Ziggler. Good opener thy had the crowd going and into it the whole time.

2. Zack Ryder defeated JTG via pinfall. Ryder came out to decent pop and the crowd Woo Woo Woo’d with him early on. When Zack went to hit the Broski Boot, he didn’t even try to put his foot out. Just kind of ran into JTG. Weird. A few moments later, Ryder hit the Rough Ryder for the pin. The crowd could not have cared less for JTG but they were into Ryder.

Heath Slater came out to cut a promo. Said there was only one “One Man Southern Rock Band” in the WWE. He proceeded to sing Sweet Home Alabama… Terribly. After he sang, Aksana came out and said that as Teddy Long’s assistant, she was put in charge to make “the match” tonight. God help us. She introduced Ezekiel Jackson as his opponent.

3. Ezekiel Jackson pinned Heath Slater. I missed most of the match waiting in line for some food and a Punk shirt. Zeke won with his finisher.

4. Sheamus and Daniel Bryan defeated Christian and Mark Henry via pinfall. Christian came out to a good pop. Mark Henry came out as his partner to an even bigger pop. Daniel Bryan was their first opponent. Sheamus was his partner and he had by far the biggest pop of the night thus far.

Back and forth to start. Eventually the heels took over and kept working on Bryan. Sheamus got the hot tag. Christian speared Bryan and attempted one on Sheamus, but ate a Brogue Kick for his effort. Good match and the crowd was extremely into it.

The Bella Twins were announced as the special guest hosts of the night. Odd, since the biggest celebrity to come out of Mobile is either Bob Holly or JaMarcus Russell. They held a dance contest. No one cheered. It was two bigger women, a guy and a little kid. The kid won even though he didn’t dance at all. The other three sold it out though that’s for sure. A little too much for the women dancers, if you know what I mean.

There was a merch plug and then it was intermission time.

5. Kelly Kelly and Eve Torres defeated Beth Phoenix and Natalya via pinfall. Eve botched a kick 15 seconds into the match and looked generally lost in the first few minutes. Heels dominated Eve for a while until she finally got a hot tag to Kelly Kelly. Kelly got a roll up on Beth a short time later for the win.

WWE Hall of Famer Bullet Bob Armstrong was introduced to a nice ovation. He said about three words when he was interrupted by Cody Rhodes. He had a single bag boy with him. He said he knows a Hall of Famer, his dad Dusty Rhodes. He said he could beat both of their asses. He tried to get Bullet to wear a bag, but Ted DiBiase’s music hit and he ran out.

6. Cody Rhodes beat Ted DiBiase to retain the Intercontinental Title. I can’t stop staring at Cody’s knees. Get some knee pads! Cody played the chicken heel and jawed with the crowd for the first five minutes. Rhodes went to walk out but DiBiase ran him down. Pretty good match with some good nearfalls that some people actually bought. Cody took off a turn buckle cover. While the ref was trying to put the pad back on, Cody tried to hit DiBiase with his mask. DiBiase ended up with the mask, the ref tried to take it from him. Rhodes hit his springboard knee to DiBiase for the pin.

7. John Cena defeated Alberto Del Rio and CM Punk in a Triple Threat to retain the WWE Championship. Ricardo Rodriguez was introduced to major heat. Del Rio got some heat. Punk came out to a good pop. Cena made the roof blow off the place. A couple boo birds in my section, but those were the only boos I heard. Cena threw his shirt into the crowd and Punk did the same. Del Rio teased throwing his to the crowd, but tossed it to Ricardo instead. Ricardo was wearing Del Rio’s scarf around his neck. Funny.

Typical Triple Threat match, with one guy on the outside while the other two worked. Good action throughout. Punk hit the GTS on Cena, but he powdered before Punk could make a cover. There were two times when Cena was trying to get back in the ring and Rodriguez pulled him off. He went for a third time, and Cena cut him off. He hit his signature moves on Del Rio, went for the AA, but was cut off by Punk.

Punk tried to hit the running knee on Del Rio, who moved, making Punk go over the top. Alberto turned around and took an Attitude Adjustment for the pin. After the match, Cena walked around the ring signing autographs and thanking all the fans who came to end the show. Before Cena could even get through the curtain, Charles Robinson was starting to break down the ring.

Notes: Overall a pretty good show that ran just over two hours. There was no announcement of a return or even a “thanks for coming” at the end.

Biggest Pop: 1) Cena by far, 2) Sheamus, 3) CM Punk

Most Heat: 1) Ricardo Rodriguez, 2) Alberto Del Rio, 3) Swagger and Ziggler
