One of the antagonists in Outer Banks is Opper Thornton. Most of his acts as Sarah’s boyfriend (and eventually ex-boyfriend) are motivated by envy. Although he has the capacity to be endearing and kind, when circumstances don’t go his way, he becomes snobbish and pursues people who have wronged him.

Season 2 of the show saw a gradual change in Topper’s conduct. The young man who was enraged and envious began to display a softer side. Fans now believe that Topper will go through a redemptive arc and turn into one of the good guys as a result of this abrupt turnaround. Even yet, Topper sure did get away with evil deeds before realising his error.

For Starters, He’s A Kook

At a gathering outside on the Outer Banks, He’s A Kook Topper and the Kooks sipping beer.
Fans are seeing every incident through the Pogues’ eyes since John B. is narrating the show (aka the good guys). The Outer Banks residents known as “the Pogues” don’t hold the same positions or riches as the Kooks, who reside in “the cut” of the Outer Banks. Nobody is really sure how long the conflict between the Kooks and Pogues has existed, but it is still present in both seasons.

The Kooks have a reputation for harassing the Pogues and abusing their privileged position to get away with anything. And regrettably, Topper is a member of the Kooks and close pals with Rafe Cameron, one of the worst Kooks of all time. Fans were previously encouraged to expect that Topper would be a big opponent due to his association with the Kooks.

He Assists The Police In Catching John B.

Once Netflix gives the show the go-ahead for a third season, it will be intriguing to observe how Topper’s personality changes. By the end of season 2, he has softened and grown closer to Sarah, although he still has grudges against John B. for having dated her.

ALSO READ  Topper Outer Banks: Why Did They Reverse The Season 1 Ending?

John B. ended up inside Kelce’s house when he was eluding the police. Topper and Kelce were great friends and both Kooks. In order to hold John B. hostage until the cops showed up, Topper headed over to Kelce’s. Topper tortured John B. by informing him the chase was over and he was going to jail while he was standing on the other side of the door. No matter John B.’s guilt or innocence, Topper wanted to see him in prison.

He Got John B. Fired From His Job

The Pogues needed high-end scuba equipment to get a closer look when they thought they had located the Royal Merchant, a sunken ship that was allegedly carrying gold bars worth millions of dollars. John B. slipped on to borrow the equipment when no one was looking since he works on Ward Cameron’s boat, one of the richest vessels in the Outer Banks.

The next day, Sarah Cameron saw John B. returning the scuba equipment, but she made him a promise not to tell anyone. Unbeknownst to Sarah, her sister Wheezie witnessed the entire incident and later informed Topper about it. Topper informed Ward about John B. because he was aware of how much he detested John B. and didn’t want his girlfriend, Sarah, around him. After hearing Topper’s revelation, Ward later dismissed John B., which made Topper one of the characters that fans didn’t like.

He Pushed John B. Off The Bell Tower

On the Outer Banks, a split image of Topper fighting with Sarah and John B and then John B in the hospital
An antique bell tower was one of John B.’s favourite places to visit in the Outer Banks. He kept it a secret from many people but it was a secure place for him. But he did tell Sarah, his new lover, where his secret hideout was, and that’s how she found him when he was running from the police. After Rafe killed Sherrif Peterkin, he falsely accused John B., which caused him to flee the police. John B. and Sarah were unfortunate because Topper followed Sarah to the bell tower where he discovered John B.

ALSO READ  Topper Outer Banks: Why Did They Reverse The Season 1 Ending?

Topper was furious to see his ex-girlfriend with someone like John B. John B. was severely injured after falling from a great height during a fight between the two men. John wouldn’t have fallen or been harmed if it weren’t for Topper.

He Was Behind The Attack On Pope

Rafe Cameron’s close friend was Topper. Rafe’s character became into one of the worst on the Outer Banks as the conflict between the Kooks and the Pogues grew increasingly violent and bloody. Topper adored his friend but gradually drifted away from him following a dispute with Pope. He could see the depth of Rafe’s bad nature and the extent of the conflict between the Pogues and the Kooks.

Rafe and Topper spotted Pope (a Pogue) wandering by himself a few days after a battle with the Pogues. Pope was carrying a drink when the two jumped him and took it. Despite a hint of regret on his face, Topper assisted Rafe in attacking Pope and did not intervene in the event. The fact that Topper still had a lot of maturing to do after this battle showed that it could have been a turning point for him.

Topper Attempted To Drown John B.

Fans of the Outer Banks think John B. made one of his worst choices when he challenged Topper to a fight at the bonfire. At the time, John B. was unaware of Topper’s grudge against him, and as a result, his life was almost lost.

Topper pushed John B.’s head into the water as he took control of the battle and made a harsh comment about drowning him like his father had. Topper’s remarks were fatal to John B. because his father had been out at sea for nine months and had been assumed dead. John B. might not have survived if it weren’t for JJ’s assistance because Topper had no regret or sorrow for attempting to drown John B. This only seemed to further solidify him as a villain at this point.

ALSO READ  Topper Outer Banks: Why Did They Reverse The Season 1 Ending?

Topper Became Outwardly Frustrated When Sarah Wasn’t Ready To Sleep With Him

She was dating Topper before to Sarah and John B. becoming one of the top ships on the Outer Banks. Because they were both Kooks and lived the same lifestyle at the beginning of the series, Sarah and Topper seemed to be a match made in heaven. But with time, Sarah began to grow distant from Topper because she realised that he was more interested in her than she was in him. As a result, Topper tightened his grip.

Topper’s perception that Sarah was fiddling with his heart was one of his main grievances with her. And when she was prepared to give him her virginity, she later had second thoughts. Sadly, Topper’s response to the news was negative, and he grew angry with Sarah. Fans were really irritated by this since it showed that he did not respect or care for her in the manner that he claimed to. Additionally, it led viewers to assume that Sarah deserved far more than he did.

Divesh Solanki
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Being a binge-watcher himself, finding Content to write about comes naturally to Divesh. From Anime to Trending Netflix Series and Celebrity News, he covers every detail and always find the right sources for his research.
